Magickal Morning Guide: 5 Steps to a Better Morning

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Everyone Witch wants a better morning. And not every Witch is a morning person. Here’s how to change that.

STEP 1: Every morning is a Ritual. Treat it that way.

And how do we begin any ritual? With intention.

What do you want to do today? What Magick do you want to flow through your movements? How do you plan to utilize the energy your coffee gives you?

Ask those questions and more. I suggest everyone write down their intentions. Call it journaling if you’d like. This will ensure that your intent is solid. You will be able to see any inconsistencies in your intent and actions if you write them down. When you follow your intent to its end, you are becoming the ideal Witch.

And the closer you get to the ideal, the better you will be.

STEP 2: Bless Your Morning Drink

While I encourage everyone to work with spirits, maybe save the drinking of spirits for the evening.

In the morning, it is important to drink something. Water is the body’s most important element and not having enough, especially after 6-8 hours of sleep, can wreck havoc on the mind, body, and spirit. The three are intrinsically interlinked, and when the body is out of balance, so is the mind and spirit.

So, you’re gonna have something to drink anyway. Why not bless it with some Magick?

Whether it is coffee, water, tea, or some Frankenstein-mixture of protein and veggies in a smoothie, bless your morning drink. All you need to do is show gratitude for the nourishment you are about to receive from the universe. It will take you less than half a minute to do so.

STEP 3: Take an Energetic Breath

I have incessantly busy days. So much so that I often forget to sit down and take a breath. I use this short ritual to center myself in the morning. And you can do it as often as you like throughout the day.

As you’re drinking your morning drink or finishing up your intention, take a moment and notice your breath going in and out of your body. Feel it hitting the back of your throat and wooshing down your windpipe. Feel it permeate your lungs. Notice the sensation of it leaving back up your throat and passing through your nasal passages.

Use this moment to connect to your inner power. Feel your own energy bubble. Imagine warmth in your chest. Let that heat mix with your morning.

Like the previous step, this only takes 30 seconds. None of this should be beyond anyone’s time capacity.

STEP 4: Understand Your Morning Has a Reason

This is approaching your morning with the Magick Filter.

Understand your morning is happening for a reason. You are waking up for a reason. It is no coincidence that you are given time to do what you need to do. There is a reason for you.

Everyone has a different reason for being. I cannot know yours and you cannot know mine. But, you can know yours. And the more you look for it, the closer you will get to having an answer. When you take a moment and ask the universe what the reason for your morning is, you will inevitably receive an answer.

There is no such thing as a meaningless morning. Every moment you breathe has a reason for it. It is powerful. And I said that I don’t know what your “reason” is, which is true. But, I do know what it is not: it is not to live a meaningless life.

Find the meaning in your morning. And then, go forth.

STEP 5: Know That the Morning is Only the Beginning

We live through a metaphor of life every single day. A baby begins by crawling, eventually walking into adulthood, and lying down for their eventual permanent rest at their end. And we act out a play for this every day.

When we wake up, we are in the “youth” of the day. And like the youth, we need to get to our next stage. After we begin our Magickal Mornings, we can move onto the afternoon and eventually our nights.

We also know from psychological researchers, like Piaget and Erikson that in the early years of life, our most important habits and personality are formed. The same is true for the morning of every day. When you start your mornings off with Magick, you will inevitably set the rest of your day up with Magick. It is no different from a child learning reading skills at an early age. When they do, they are likely to be more intelligent and have higher IQs.

As above, so below. The human mind will function the same at its highest levels as it will its lowest levels. Use that knowledge as a strategy to structure your mornings with Magick.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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